Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Personal-ly Offended

From the "I-Can't-Believe-What-an-Asshole-this-Person-Is" files, this was the "Personal of the Day" at The Onion:

Woman's username: smartsexycool
If I could be anywhere at the moment: "On a boat, somewhere warm, with half-naked natives serving me drinks and chocolate."

Why not make the natives completely naked and enslave them to cater to your every posh, bourgeois desire, you stupid piece of shit! Oh wait, if they were completely naked, their genitalia might offend your Puritan eyes. Even worse, she considers herself to be "smart, sexy, cool" after spouting off some imperialist bullshit like that. Bitch, please. I'm renaming you KKKim.

Either she doesn't think there is anything wrong with subjugating an indigenous people to slavery for her "drinks and chocolate", or she didn't think about the indigenous people at all. What's worse is there are millions of people who think (or don't think) just like her...and that's why I avoid Delaware Avenue.

One day I will figure out how to post pictures to this blog and then I will post the picture of this stupid woman for all the world to ridicule (because more people read Bloody Knee Jerk than The Onion)!

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