Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Bridge Too Far

It's been a long time since I crossed the creek in the woods, but as a young reader I never envisioned Bridge to Terabithia as the fantasmagorical CGI romp Disney has created.

If the film stays true to the book's ending, this trailer is really misleading and it's going to piss off a lot of uninformed moviegoers.
Without spoiling the book, let's just say: No sequel.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Now Hear This: It's Movie Time!

Philly heroes, Audible, have landed a song in the new Jennifer Garner-Kevin Smith flick, Catch and Release.
What's more, "Sky Signal" made the soundtrack alongside tracks by Foo Fighters, Gomez, and The Lemonheads! Cha-ching!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mo' Features, Mo' Problems

So, I switched to Blogger's new version, and my post from January 15th was lost.
I'll recreate it this evening, but in the meantime...up yours,!


Monday, January 15, 2007

Always Do the Right Thing

You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.

Words, words. This blog of words began 2 years ago. It was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others brave enough to stand against inequity.

Stay vigilant against racism, and confront discrimination in all its forms. Educate yourself; it's the first step towards solving the problems of inequity in the land of the free (and around the world).
What we need is awareness, we can't get careless!
--Chuck D, Public Enemy

Love the old burgundy Phillies cap. It was unique.
Add Public Enemy to Philebrity's list of 50 Fabulous Freaks.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quest For Blood Mountain!

I didn't think Mastodon's Blood Mountain could get any better.
Boy, was I wrong!
Now the experience of Blood Mountain is available as a kick-ass video game!

And Cat Power has the nerve to call her album The Greatest. Yeah? Bring it.

Blood Mountain: still the best album of 2006!

Quest for Blood Mountain: the best non-Guitar Hero II rock-based video game since Journey Escape.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Anything I write about this will just detract from its brilliance.*

*Props to my homegirl, Michelle, for pointing this out.


Now She Can Buy Flour When She Lands

The city of Philadelphia settled the lawsuit from a woman who was carrying flour-filled condoms onto a plane. She got $180,000.00 when she should have gotten a gafflin'.

I wish I were dumb enough to think of something completely stupid for the city to pay for. And I don't mean The Gross Clinic.*
Stupid like a fox!

*At last report, the principal at the Rhodes School was sucking the teat of Teach for America, and non-TFA teachers didn't have textbooks for their students. I'm just saying. $180,000 could probably buy at least 1 book for 100 students to share.


Monday, January 08, 2007

The Strength of Street Knowledge

Time to test your N.W.A.ledge, kid.
You can't top my perfect score (with all bonus questions correct), but you can still represent.

All answers courtesy of the incomparable Straight Outta Compton LP.
If you don't own it, your whole music collection sucks.

*Dig the quiz, but dude needs to check his spelling. Straight Out Of Compton??? What the hell is that shit?


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Idol Chatter

Mastodon's Blood Mountain is #24 on Idolator's first Jackin' Pop Critics Poll. Click around on the site, you might find the list I contributed (or not).